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发布者:鞍山变压器厂    发布时间:2018-07-24
    鞍山变压器的机械设计是以分析鞍山变压器的短路电流及其产生的机械强度为依据.最终以机械图样来表示的,产品图样的绘制约占整个设计工作里的80%, ,因此对鞍山变压器设计而言,采用计算机绘图是设计工作的重大改革。采用计算机绘图的优点是:可以减轻设计的手工劳动.缩短工时,提高工效,从而加快设计速度;可以减少人工绘图中所出现的人为错误,有利于提高设计质量。
    目前利用计算机绘图都是借助于Auto CAD(计算机辅助设计)通用绘图软件包。AutoCAD是辅助绘图的通用软件包。由于Auto CAD的绘图功能是很强的.因此是目前最为实用的计算机绘图软件,使用AutoCAD既能快速准确地绘制符合设计要求的图样.又能储存各个项目的图样.还可以避免反复地重画同一内容的图样。尤其是当图样有较大改动时,很多内容可以不必重画,显示了其强大的处理图样的功能。
    但是,尽管Auto CAD有着强大的绘图功能.然而与鞍山变压器专用绘图软件相比.仍存在着很大的差别。例如:Auto CAD绘图软件包无法提供鞍山变压器类产品所特有的图形元素和专用符号。同时不具备参数化绘图功能。Auto CAD是以标准格图ACAD.DWG作为工作起点来构造新图的,该样板图中包括必要的初始设置,比如工作区的设定、图形以及线型色彩的规定、尺寸标注变量的初值、字体及字符大小等,这些设置一般情况下与鞍山变压器常规的结构设计图样的设计要求有一定的差距。因此,在利用Auto CAD绘图系统进行鞍山变压器的图样绘制时,应结合鞍山变压器类产品机械制图补充规定,在Auto CAD的基础上建立自己的绘图软件包。
Computer graphics of dry-type power transformers
    Dry-type power transformer mechanical design is based on the analysis of the short-circuit current of dry-type power transformer and its mechanical strength is based on the final mechanical drawings, product drawings drawing accounts for about 80% of the entire design work, so transformer design, computer graphics is a major reform of the design work. The advantages of computer graphics is: can reduce the manual labor of the design. Shorten working hours, improve work efficiency, thus speeding up the design speed; artificial drawing can reduce human error, help to improve the quality of design.
    The use of computer graphics are generic drawing package help of Auto CAD (computer aided design). AutoCAD is a universal auxiliary drawing package. Auto CAD drawing function is very strong., Is currently the most practical computer graphics software that can quickly and accurately using AutoCAD to draw the line with the pattern of the design requirements can store various items pattern also avoid repeatedly redrawn the pattern of the same content. A lot of content, especially when design changes do not have to redraw display its powerful processing pattern.
However, Auto CAD has a powerful drawing capabilities, however, compared to the transformer dedicated graphics software. Still exists a great difference. For example: Auto CAD drawing package does not provide the transformer products unique graphic elements and special symbols. But do not have the parametric drawing function. Auto CAD is a standard grid map ACAD.DWG as a working starting point to construct a new graph, the boilerplate figure includes the necessary initial setup, such as the provisions of the workspace settings, graphics, and linear color, dimensions variable early value, font and character size, these settings under normal circumstances, there is a certain gap between conventional and transformer design requirements for structural design drawings. Auto CAD drawing system transformer pattern drawn should be read in conjunction with the supplementary regulations of Mechanical Drawing transformer products, established on the basis of the Auto CAD drawing package.










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